• > For Visitors

For Visitors

Mathematical Modeling and Applications is a discipline for understanding phenomena around us. Therefore, the research topics include various phenomena we encounter in our everyday lives such as formation of animal and plant patterns, uncertainty of economics, traffic congestion and optical illusion. We try to present our research contents and results in easy language as much as possible, hoping that this new area of mathematical modeling and applications will become popular.

Outreach Activities

CMMA Colloquium
Supported by Meiji Institute of Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS)
Center for Mathematical Modeling and Applications(CMMA)
Access to Nakano Campus
Nakano Campus Map

※Everyone is welcome to attend the CMMA Colloquium.

CMMA Colloquium (No.050)

Date: July 23, 2024 17:00-18:00
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University


(Meiji University, Hitotsubashi University)

(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.049)

Date: November 15, 2023 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University


(The University of Tokyo)

(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.048)

Date: November 16, 2022 16:30-17:30
Place: On-line via Zoom webinar


(Executive Vice President for Research of Tohoku University,
Advanced Institute for Materials Research Tohoku University)

(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.047)

Date: October 18, 2022 17:00-18:00
Place: On-line via Zoom webinar


(The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)

(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.046)

Date: May 27, 2022
Place: On-line via Zoom webinar


(Yamaguchi University)

(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.045)

Date: December 3, 2019 *Attention* 13:30-14:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Hidetoshi MIIKE

(Yamaguchi Gakugei University)

(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.044)

Date: November 26, 2019 17:30-18:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University


(Kwansei Gakuin University)

(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.043)

Date: August 22, 2019 16:00-17:00
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University

"The dynamics and propagation of riots"


(Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales (EHESS),
PSL University, France)
 ※ This lecture will be given in English.

 In this lecture, I will report on a model aiming at studying the dynamics and spreading of riots, and especially violent social protests. It involves an epidemiological approach for the dynamics with a diffusion interaction term. There is indeed growing evidence that violent social behavior often spreads like epidemics.
 I will discuss this model in the setting of the French riots of 2005 that were unique in their extension in space and time. We can compare the outcome of the model with a rather detailed set of data for these riots. With the aim to provide a general framework to study the diffusion of social norms I will also describe a more general class of reaction-diffusion systems that are relevant in this context.

CMMA Colloquium (No.042)

Date: July 23, 2019 17:30-18:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University


(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))

(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.041)

Date: July 2, 2019 17:30-18:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University


(Department of Zoolog, National Museum of Nature and Science)

(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.040)

Date: May 28, 2019 17:30-18:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University


(Meiji University International Institute for Bio-Resource Research) MUIIBR

(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

Joint sponsorship:
Meiji University International Institute for Bio-Resource Research (MUIIBR )

CMMA Colloquium (No.039)

Date: Novemver 6, 2018 17:30-18:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Akatsuki KIMURA

(Cell Architecture Laboratory, National Institute of Genetics)

(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.038)

Date: October 2, 2018 17:30-18:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University
Lecture 1

Toshiyuki FUJII

(School of Materials and Chemical Technology
Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Lecture 2

Ryuuichi TARUMI

(Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University)

(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.037)

Date: September 8, 2018 13:40-14:20
 Global Hall, Global Front 1F,
 Surugadai Campus of Meiji University



(Survyor, Doctor Architect)


Performing the actual measurement and drawing of Gaudí's buildings, while living in Barcelona.
(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.036)

Date: July 17, 2018 17:30-18:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Yoshihiro HAYASHI

(National Museum of Nature and Science,Tokyo)

(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.035)

Date: June 20, 2018 17:30-18:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University


(Keio University)

(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.034)

Date: May 23, 2018 17:30-18:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Yoriko ATOMI

(Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)

(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.033)

Date: April 27, 2018 17:30-18:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Kazuaki NAKANE

(Osaka University)

"Image analyzing method for cancer tissues via the concept of homology"

 The pathological diagnosis provides important information for treatment of cancer. We anticipate an increase in the number of cancer patients when entering an aging society in Japan. Since the number of pathologists is not enough, sustaining the quality of cancer treatment is becoming a social problem. Training the pathologists needs long time, therefore it is difficult to increase the number of pathologists, immediately. Development of assistive technology by computer such as AI is an urgent issue. Because of the diversity of the morphology of cancer tissues, effective analysis methods have not been established so far.
 The homology is a field of topology. We can regard it as the concept of quantifying “contact".
 In this talk, results of the cancer tissue analysis by comparing the contact degree of cancer tissues will be introduced. At the same time, some examples applied to other than cancer tissues will be shown.

(The lecture to be given in Japanese.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.032)

Date: March 2nd, 2018 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Yoichiro MORI

(University of Minnesota)

"The mathematics of ionic homeostasis,
osmosis and cell movement"

CMMA Colloquium (No.031)

Date: January 12, 2018 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University


(President-appointed Extraordinary Professor,
Tohoku University )

CMMA Colloquium (No.030)

Date: December 8, 2017 16:30-17:30
 room 402, 4F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Kazue SAKO

(President of JSIAM,
 Senior Engineer of
 Security Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation)

CMMA Colloquium (No.029)

Date: October 4, 2017 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
 Nakano Campus of Meiji University


(Litera Japan Corporation)


CMMA Colloquium (No.028)

in English
Date: July 11, 2017 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

"Self-organization and complexity:
The origin of macroscopic order from
microscopic processes"

Oliver Steinbock

(Florida State University, USA)
 ※ The lecture will be held in English.

 Simple rules can create complex patterns and dynamics. This connection is routinely used by living systems to create complex rhythms, spatio-temporal structures, and high-performance materials with design features at meso- and macroscopic length scales that seem to defy their molecular origins. In my lecture, I will present several examples that illustrate this point and demonstrate that many phenomena that appear to be unique to life processes actually occur in non-biological, often simple chemical systems. Specifically, I will discuss nonlinear wave patterns in reaction-diffusion media and examples of life-like structures in chemical reactions that form polycrystalline or amorphous solids. The unexpectedness of some of these universalities has profound consequences in a wide range of scientific disciplines ranging from the misidentification of early microfossils to deadly cardiac arrhythmias.


O. Steinbock, J. H. E. Cartwright and L. M. Barge “The Fertile Physics of Chemical Gardens” Physics Today 69, March 2016.
Z. Zhang and O. Steinbock “Local Heterogeneities in Cardiac Systems Suppress Turbulence by Generating Multi-armed Rotors” New Journal of Physics 18, 053018, 2016.
E. Nakouzi and O. Steinbock “Self-organization in Precipitation Reactions Far From the Equilibrium” Science Advances 2, e1601144, 2016.
J. M. García-Ruiz, E. Nakouzi, E. Kotopoulou, L. Tamborrino and O. Steinbock "Biomimetic Mineral Self-organization From Silica-rich Spring Waters" Science Advances 3, e1602285, 1-7, 2017.

CMMA Colloquium (No.027)

Date: June 16, 2017 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University


(Chiba University)


CMMA Colloquium (No.026)

Date: May 10, 2017 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Michiko OHKURA

(Shibaura Institute of Technology)


CMMA Colloquium (No.025)

Date: February 21, 2017 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Shin'ichi OISHI

(Waseda University)


CMMA Colloquium (No.024)

Date: December 16, 2016 17:00-18:00
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

"Moduli of vector bundles on
 compact Riemann surfaces."


(Indian Institute of Science and TIFR Centre ,Bangalore)
 ※ The lecture will be held in English.

 The theory of holomorphic vector bundles on a compact Riemann surface is a vast "non-abelian" generalisation of the classical theory of the Jacobian (or Albanese) variety. The Jacobian, a complex torus, arose in the work of Abel, Jacobi and Riemann on abelian integrals on compact Riemann surfaces. The non-abelian generalisation is achieved by replacing the homology group by the fundamental group of the surface and considering unitary representations of the fundamental group.

 In this talk I will give an overview of some aspects of the subject.

Some of the topics to be dealt with are:

  • *Algebro-geometric notions of stability of vector bundles and moduli spaces and relationship with unitary representations of the fundamental group.
  • *Relation to Yang-Mills and conformal field theories in theoretical physics.

CMMA Colloquium (No.023)

Date: November 25, 2016 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University


(Ryukoku University)


CMMA Colloquium (No.022)

Date: June 20, 2016 16:30-17:30
 Room 312, 3F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University


(Meiji University)


CMMA Colloquium (No.021)

Date: May 27, 2016 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Hitoshi ARAI

(The University of Tokyo)


CMMA Colloquium (No.020)

Date: April 22, 2016 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Akira ONO

(Tokyo Metropolitan University, Professor Emeritus)


CMMA Colloquium (No.019)

Date: January 22, 2016 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Shihoko ISHII

(The University of Tokyo)


CMMA Colloquium (No.018)

Date: December 18, 2015 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Kenji UENO

(Seki Kowa Institute of Mathematics, Yokkaichi University)


CMMA Colloquium (No.017)

Date: November 20, 2015 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University


(The University of Tokyo)


CMMA Colloquium (No.016)

Date: October 16, 2015 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University


(The University of Tokyo)


CMMA Colloquium (No.015)

Date: September 18, 2015 16:30-17:30
 room 307, 3F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Noriko ARAI

(National Institute of Informatics)


CMMA Colloquium (No.014)

Date: July 3, 2015 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Ichiro TSUDA

(Hokkaido University)


CMMA Colloquium (No.013)

Date: June 19, 2015 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Kazuhiro UEDA

(The University of Tokyo)

CMMA Colloquium (No.012)

Date: May 29, 2015 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Takao Kobayashi

(Aoyama Gakuin University)

CMMA Colloquium (No.011)

Date: Apr. 10. 2015 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Hiroshi Suito

(Okayama University)

CMMA Colloquium (No.010)

The lecture to be given in English.
Date: January 14. 2015 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

"Propagation in non homogeneous media and applications"

Henri Berestycki

(EHESS, France)

 I will start by describing reaction-diffusion phenomena and reviewing the classical theory for homogeneous Fisher and Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov (KPP) equations. It derives the spreading properties in a homogeneous setting. A well known invasion speed governs the asymptotic speed of propagation. This equation plays an important role in a variety of contexts in ecology, biology and physics.
 In applications, it is particularly important to understand the effects of heterogeneity and I will present some motivation. In this lecture, I will focus on the effect of inclusion of a line (a “road”) with fast diffusion on biological invasions in the plane (the “field”), otherwise homogeneous. I will describe in detail the effect of the road on the speed of invasion as well as the effects of other factors. The results shed light on oriented diffusion in an excitable medium. I report here on results from a series of joint works with Jean-Michel Roquejoffre and Luca Rossi.

(The lecture to be given in English.)

CMMA Colloquium (No.009)

Date: Dec 12. 2014 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Akiko Satake

(Hokkaido University)

CMMA Colloquium (No.008)

Date: Nov. 14, 2014 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

"Scale effects on fire and explosion phenomena"

Ken Naitoh

(Yamagata University)

CMMA Colloquium (No.007)

Date: Oct 10. 2014 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Ken Naitoh

(Waseda University)

CMMA Colloquium (No.006)

Date: July 25. 2014 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Atsuyuki Okabe

(Aoyama Gakuin University)

CMMA Colloquium (No.005)

Date: May 16. 2014 16:30-17:30
 Seminar room 6, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Akio Ishiguro

(Tohoku University)

CMMA Colloquium (No.004)

Date: Apr 18. 2014 17:00-18:00
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Hisao Honda

(Kobe University)

CMMA Colloquium (No.003)

Date: Feb 24. 2014 16:00-17:30
 Seminar room 3, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Jay Kappraff

(New Jersey Institute of Technology)

CMMA Colloquium (No.002)

Date: Jan 17. 2014 16:00-17:30
 Seminar room 1, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Mitsuo Kawato 

(ATR Brain Information Communication Research Laboratory Group)

CMMA Colloquium (No.001)

Date: Dec 24. 2013 16:00-17:30
 Seminar room 1, 6F High-Rise Wing,
Nakano Campus of Meiji University

Yasumasa Nishiura

(Tohoku University)

Video Clips
to introduce our researches

Video Clips FY2017~

Researches of MIMS are introduced in the video clips (in English) .Please click on the icon to jump to the related page.

"ICIAM 2019 in Valencia"

MIMS is presenting video to introduce our researches for ICIAM 2019 in Valencia, Spain. It was delivered at the International Conference Hall.
2019/ 06:09(m/s)/ in English

International Conference

"Data Science, Time Series Modeling and Applications" Organized by Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS) and Research Branding Project “Meiji University Doing Mathematical Sciences”
2018/ 04:46(m/s)/ in English

"Introduce our researches to overseas audience"
Optical Illusionist

Incredible Senseis at Meiji University #1 professor Kokichi Sugihara, Director of Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS).
2017/ 04:47(m/s)/ in English

"Introduce our researches to overseas audience"
Origami Changes Everything

Incredible Senseis at Meiji University #2 Professor Ichiro Hagiwara, Vice director of MIMS, tries to solve many problems by using “Origami Engineering”.
2017/ 04:00(m/s)/ in English

Meiji University Official PV "Go Forward, Go Global"

Meiji University Official Channel on You tube. The Video clips made by the Public Relations Office of Meiji University.

Research DVD/ Outreach Activities FY2008~FY2012

We release the DVDs introducing the outstanding researches of our Global COE Program. Please click on the icon to jump to the related page.

"The Forefront of Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis"

Produce by Meiji Global COE Program: 'Formation and Development of Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis'/ 2011/ 00:37:18(h/m/s)/ in English

"Impossible Motions 2 "

Produce by: Kokichi Sugihara/ 2009/ 00:13:44(h/m/s)/ in English

"MIMS is introduced by "Nature" No.7416

MIMS is introduced by international journal Nature "SPOTLIGHT ON KAWASAKI".

Please click here for the pages.