International Conference

ICMMA 2024

International Conference on
"Self-organization in Life and Matter"


Outline of the Conference ICMMA 2024

List of Speakers



Poster Presentation

Organizing Committee


What's New
Aug. 6The abstracts are released.
Jul. 10The program is released.
Jul. 2Registration for participation and poster presentation starts.
May. 16The web page for ICMMA 2024 is now available.

Outline of the Conference ICMMA 2024

Organizers and Cooperation MEXT Joint Usage / Research Center "Center for Mathematical Modeling and Applications"(CMMA)
Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS) 
Date 9th - 11th September, 2024
Venue On site only
Room 603, 6th floor, Nakano Campus, Meiji University

Access map

Nakano campus

Transportation to Meiji University

Schedule 9th (Mon.): Invited talks
10th (Tue.): Invited talks, Poster presentations, Banquet
11th (Wed.): Iinvited talks
Internet Access The eduroam wireless network is available on campus. If your institution participates in eduroam, we recommend that you set up your eduroam account before traveling. For eduroam-related problems, please contact your home institution's technical support.

List of Speakers

Haruna Fujioka
(Okayama University, Japan)

Hiroshi Ito
(Kyushu University, Japan)

Jae Kyoung Kim
(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea)

Hiroyuki Kitahata
(Chiba University, Japan)

István Lagzi
(Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)

Takashi Miura
(Kyushu University, Japan)

Hiroya Nakao
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

Gisele Oda
(Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)

Daisuke Ono
(Nagoya University, Japan)

Federico Rossi
(University of Siena, Italy)

Akiko Satake
(Kyushu University, Japan)

Aneta Stefanovska
(Lancaster University, UK)


Registration for participation and
poster presentation
On site only

The confirmation email will be sent to the address you entered when you registered.

Please click the "Registration" button to open the registration form.

Registration Deadline
Please register by August 26 (Mon.), 2024.
Please register by September 2 (Mon.), 2024.




Registration fee: free

Banquet and Poster Awards conferment ceremony
Please register in advance for the sake of convenience of our preparation. The banquet will be held on 18:00 September 10 (Tue.) :
          5,000 JPY for general attendants
          2,000 JPY for students
Please pay the banquet fee JPY at the banquet site.

※ For Inquiry to MIMS office by e-mail: cmma[at] (replace [at] with @)


Date: 9th - 11th September, 2024
Venue: Room 603, 6F High-Rise Wing, Nakano Campus

Mon. 9th



István Lagzi (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
"Material design and engineering using reactions and mass transport processes"


Jae Kyoung Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea)
"Mastering Noise in Rhythm Generation: Strategies for Utilization and Avoidance"


    Coffee Break


Akiko Satake (Kyushu University, Japan)
"Synchrony from genes to ecosystems"


Hiroya Nakao (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
"Dynamical reduction approach to the analysis and control of rhythmic systems"


    Coffee Break


Takashi Miura(Kyushu University, Japan)
"Self-organization of cell-cell boundary structures in kidney cells"

Tue. 10th

Poster presentation




Aneta Stefanovska (Lancaster University, UK)
"Imperfect clocks that govern mammalian physiological functions – an overview from circadian to milliseconds scales"


Haruna Fujioka (Okayama University, Japan)
"Individual activity-rest rhythms of ants under laboratory colony conditions"


    Coffee Break


Daisuke Ono (Nagoya University, Japan)
"Cytosolic circadian rhythms in the mammalian central circadian clock"


Federico Rossi (University of Siena, Italy)
"Synthesis and Application of Giant Unilamellar Vesicles for Cellular Modeling and Advanced Materials"



Wed. 11th

Hiroshi Ito (Kyushu University, Japan)
"Cellular circadian rhythm can be more precise through output"


Gisele Oda (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)
"Biological Clocks of Subterranean Rodents: Field Work meets Mathematical Modeling in South America"


    Coffee Break


Hiroyuki Kitahata (Chiba University, Japan)
"Relation between motion and shape in self-phoretic motions"




Poster Presentation

Date:Tuesday 10th, September 2024, 10:00 -12:00

Poster Presentation List
Poster title Author(s) Name
A design principle for slow-wave sleep firing pattern with Na+ dynamics
Tomohide Sato (Univ. Tokyo), Koji L. Ode (Univ. Tokyo), Fukuaki L. Kinoshita (RIKEN BDR), and Hiroki R. Ueda (Univ. Tokyo, RIKEN BDR)
Optimal setting of a Poincaré section for calculating the phase of rhythmic spatiotemporal dynamics
Takahiro Arai (JAMSTEC), Yoji Kawamura (JAMSTEC), and Toshio Aoyagi (Kyoto Univ.)
Molecularly Designed Self-Propelled Motion of Perylenediimide Dianions
Lara Rae Holstein (NIMS, Tsukuba Univ.), Nobuhiko J. Suematsu (Meiji Univ.), Masayuki Takeuchi (NIMS, Tsukuba Univ.), Atsuro Takai (NIMS)
Collective Dynamics of Self-propelled BZ Droplets
Nobuhiko J. Suematsu (Meiji Univ.)
Towards molecular robots: far-from-equilibrium motion of molecular assembly
Yoshiyuki Kageyama (Hokkaido Univ.)
Reaction period and its fluctuation of Belousov-Zhabotinsky rection in microscale
Hiroki Emmei (Kindai Univ.) and Takatoshi Ichino (Kindai Univ.)
Movement of camphor boat with flow
Takatoshi Ichino (Kindai Univ.)
Objective assessment of sleep-wake rhythms using a wearable device in healthy adults
Mitsuki Umino(Meiji Univ.), Sho Tachimoto(Meiji Univ.), and Takahiro J. Nakamura(Meiji Univ.)
Characterizing two transitions in a population of Kuramoto oscillators with stochastic resetting
Ayumi Ozawa (JAMSTEC) and Hiroshi Kori (Univ. Tokyo)
Identifying the interaction type in phase oscillator networks from time series
Weiwei Su (Univ. of Tokyo)
Roles of suprachiasmatic AVP neurons on female reproductive functions
Mizuki Sugiyama (Meiji Univ.), Jiaxu Chen (Meiji Univ.), Michihiro Mieda (Kanazawa Univ.), and Takahiro J. Nakamura (Meiji Univ.)
Propagation properties of precipitation bands induced by precipitation and redissolution reactions
Yuhei Onishi (Meiji Univ.) and Nobuhiko J. Suematsu (Meiji Univ.)
Phase control of the high-dimensional Kuramoto model using dynamical reduction approaches
Narumi Fujii (Tokyo Tech) and Hiroya Nakao (Tokyo Tech)
Hydrodynamic simulation of synchronized flow pattern in two coupled collapsible tubes
Yuki Araya (Chiba Univ.), Hiroaki Ito (Chiba Univ.), and Hiroyuki Kitahata (Chiba Univ.)
The oscillatory phenomenon of glycolysis in astrocytes related to brain diseases.
Li Xianghui (Yokohama Nat. Univ.), Amemiya Takashi (Yokohama Nat. Univ.), and Shibata Kenichi (Yokohama Nat. Univ.)
Excessive synchronisation of cortical networks causes sensory processing disorders in human
Osamu Inomoto (Kyusyu Sangyo Univ.)
Analysis of bifurcation structure in the non-reciprocal Swift-Hohenberg model
Yuta Tateyama (Chiba Univ.), Hiroaki Ito (Chiba Univ.), Shigeyuki Komura (WIUCAS), and Hiroyuki Kitahata (Chiba Univ.)
Analysis of the bifurcation in thermal convection patterns in immiscible liquid bilayer with an undeformed interface
Mizuki Nakamura (Chiba Univ.), Hiroaki Ito (Chiba Univ.), and Hiroyuki Kitahata (Chiba Univ.)
Phase autoencoder: data-driven phase reduction for limit-cycle oscillators
Koichiro Yawata (Tokyo Tech. Univ.) and Hiroya Nakao (Tokyo Tech. Univ.)
Mode-switching of Self-propelled Camphor Disks depending on the Number Density
Koki Shinoda (Meiji Univ.) and Nobuhiko. J. Suematsu (Meiji Univ.)
Bifurcation of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction in a Droplet depending on the Droplet Size and Light Intensity
Keigo Takeda (Meiji Univ.) and Nobuhiko J. Suematsu (Meiji Univ.)
Spatially locked chimera states
Petar Mircheski (Tokyo Tech) and Hiroya Nakao (Tokyo Tech)
GPPI: Gaussian Process Phase Interpolation for estimating the asymptotic phase of a limit cycle oscillator from time series
Ryota Kobayashi (Univ. Tokyo), Taichi Yamamoto (Univ. Tokyo), and Hiroya Nakao (Tokyo Tech)
Sharp interface limit of porous medium Allen-Cahn equation
Hyunjoon Park (Meiji Univ.), Hiroshi Matano (Meiji Univ.), and Mori Ryunosuke (Meiji Univ.)
The rate of photosynthesis of Euglena under periodic light
Kosuke Harada (Meiji Univ.) and Nobuhiko J. Suematsu (Meiji Univ.)
Bioconvection of Euglena in Response to Light from Above and Below
Naoyasu Morino (Meiji Univ.) and Nobuhiko J. Suematsu (Meiji Univ.)
On the synchronized intermittent motion of camphor disks
Hiraku Nishimori (Meiji Univ.), Masashi Shiraishi (Meiji Univ.), and Nobuhiko J. Suematsu (Meiji Univ.)
A Foldable Stylish Origami Hat/Helmet

Toshie Sasaki (Meiji Univ.)



Poster Guidelines

1. The poster board will be 960 mm wide by 1800 mm tall.

2. The recommended size of your poster is ISO A0 (841 mm × 1189 mm).

3. Please use your designated board (announced later).

4. Please put your poster until the start of the poster session on September 9th.

5. You can keep it until the end of the conference.

nakano map

Organizing Committee


Nobuhiko J. Suematsu (Meiji University)


Takahiro Nakamura (Meiji University)


Kota Ikeda (Meiji University)


Hiraku Nishimori (Meiji University)


Ken-Ichi Nakamura (Meiji University)


Masashi Shiraishi (Meiji University)

Transportation to
Meiji University, Nakano campus

4-21-1 Nakano, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, Japan 164-8525

  **As of June, 2024

From Nakano Station to Meiji University

nakano map

 The nearest JR station to Meiji University, Nakano campus is Nakano. It takes 8minutes on foot from JR Chuo/Sobu, and Subway Tozai Line, Nakano Station. Please go out from North Exit of Nakano Station.

From Haneda Airport to Nakano Station

'Haneda Airport' English web site

  • Haneda Airport (羽田空港) -- Monorail --> Hamamatsucho (浜松町)
  • Hamamatsucho (浜松町) -- JR line --> Tokyo (東京)
  • Tokyo (東京)-- JR line --> Nakano (中野)
Line :
approx. 23 min.
520 yen
Tokyo -Monorail :
Haneda Airport International Terminal (Monorail) --> Hamamatsucho
Line :
approx. 25 min.
320 yen
JR Keihintohoku:  Hamamatsucho -->  Tokyo

JR Chuo Line for Rapid Train:  Tokyo -->  Nakano
From Narita Airport to Nakano Station

'Narita Airport' English web site

  • Narita Airport (成田空港) -- JR Narita-Express --> Shinjuku (新宿)
  • Shinjuku (新宿) -- JR line --> Nakano (中野)
Line :
approx. 90 min.
3250 yen
JR Narita-Express :  Narita Airport -->  Shinjuku

JR Chuo Line:  Shinjuku -->  Nakano
  approx. 5 min. for Rapid, 10 min. for Local
Route map

Line map

Please contact us for further information:
 cmma[at] (replace [at] with @)