Meiji University Center for Mathematical Modeling and Applications
Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS) Center for Mathematical Modeling and Applications (CMMA)
Outline of CMMA
Members & Recruitment
Exchanges & Program
Seminars and Symposia
For Visitors
Outline of CMMA
Message from the Chair of CMMA Committee
Shared Memory Processor
Postdoctoral recruitment
Research Exchanges
Research Program
Event Schedule
Seminars and Symposia
MIMS International Conference
ICMMA 2024
Outreach Activities
Video Clips
Books & Magazine
MIMS/CMMA Special Lecture (Joint event with 30th Meiji Non-linear mathematical seminar), "Filaments and Open Membranes in Biofluid Mechanic" MORI Yoichiro (The University of Pennsylvania) (2/28, 2025)
MIMS/CMMA 10th Interdisciplinary Seminar on Topology and Its Applications, "Magnitude and Magnitude homology" ASAO Yasuhiko (Fukuoka University) *Online: Zoom Webinar (2/27, 2025)
Cafe Seminar, "Intervention in Ant Transportation by Invisible Forces" Speaker: Shumpei Hisamoto (Meiji University) (1/29, 2025)
29th Meiji Non-linear mathematical seminar (Joint event with CMMA Meiji University) "Generation and motion of interfaces in a mass-conserving reaction-diffusion system" Cyrill Muratov (University of Pisa) (2/20, 2025)
28th Meiji Non-linear mathematical seminar (Joint event with CMMA Meiji University and CNRS Tokyo Lab FJ-LMI*) "Diffusion law and the growth of the reaction term select the boundary condition" Danielle Hilhorst (CNRS, Université de Paris-Saclay) (2/10, 2025)
Outline of CMMA
CMMA---“Analyzing phenomena around us through mathematical modeling and contributing for human happiness”
Activity plan and characteristics of CMMA are explained.
Members & Recruitment
Introducing members of CMMA. A few postdoctoral fellows are recruited every year. Click to see the guidelines for applicants.
Research Exchange & Program
Collaborative research project, educational program for young researchers, and research exchanges with domestic/international educational/research organizations are described.
Seminars and Symposia
Event schedule and list of seminars and symposia provided by CMMA are shown.
Activities of CMMA are reported. Such as organized events and accomplishments are shown year by year. Annual Reports of Meiji University Global COE Program are also browsable in PDF format.
For Visitors
To make mathematical sciences widely known, outreach activities are held for the public and visual contents of research DVDs are open.
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