• > Outline of CMMA

Outline of CMMA

Activity Plan of CMMA

 The goal of CMMA is to continue and develop our activities as the international center on mathematical modeling and applications, which we have developed by the Meiji University Global COE Program.
Our current main activities are as follows.

  • (1) Researches of mathematical modeling and applications.
  • (2) Education and support of young researchers on mathematical modeling and applications.
  • (3) Collaboration with related domestic and international research organizations.
  • (4) Other activities for achieving the goal of CMMM

 In particular, as part of the activity (1), we invite proposals of CMMA conferences, and offer spaces and other facilities together with financial support for invited speakers. Also, as part of the activity (2), we recruit post-doctoral researchers on mathematical modeling and applications, and offer research environments to young researchers.

Structure and Characteristics of CMMA

 CMMA consists of the reader, CMMA members and CMMA post-doctoral researchers. Basic issues such as activity plan and budget are decided by the steering committee consisting of the reader and the steering committee members.
As part of ordinary activities, the following five seminar series are held periodically.

Diagram of the structure and characteristics of CMMA

Other seminar series will be organized in due course.

Facilities for CMMA

 CMMA is placed at the administration office of Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS) at the 8th floor of Meiji University Nakano Campus, and utilizes MIMS facilities, including three research seminar rooms (one room for 90 people, two rooms for 36 people) at the 6th floor for conferences and seminars.