- > Seminars and Symposia
- > ICMMA 2022
International Conference
ICMMA 2022
International Conference on "Topology and its Applications to Engineering and Life Science"
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IndexOutline of the Conference ICMMA 2022 |
What's New
Nov. 30 | Announcement of Best Poster Awards. |
Oct. 25 | Registration for Poster session starts. |
Oct. 24 | The program is released. |
Oct. 17 | Registration for participation starts. |
Oct. 11 | The web page for ICMMA 2022 is now available. |
Outline of the Conference ICMMA 2022
Aims and Scope | The aim of this conference is to focus on the applications of topology to various research fields beyond the traditional boundary of disciplines. Experts in a wide range of fields, including topology, data science, engineering, life science and material science will gather and, through oral/poster presentations and discussions, promote the development of this interdisciplinary research field. Participation of young researchers is especially encouraged. |
Organizers and Cooperation | Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS), Interdisciplinary Research Project for Application of Topology to Engineering and Life Science |
Date | Mon. 28th - Wed. 30th November 2022 2022年11月28日(月)ー30日(水) |
Venue | Oral Presentation: On-line via Zoom webinar Poster Session: LINC Biz meeting |
List of Speakers
Javier Arsuaga |
Jason Cantarella |
Tetsuo Deguchi |
Emerson G. Escolar |
Yasuaki Hiraoka |
Shizuo Kaji |
Anibal M. Medina-Mardones |
Cristian Micheletti |
Naoki Sakata |
Chris Soteros |
Naoya Tanabe |
Tomoki Uda |
Kelin Xia |
Ken’ichi Yoshida |
For all participants
The registration fee is free. Please click the "Registration" buttons to open the registration forms.
Due to the online system, the registrations for the conference and the poster session are independent.
Please submit both registrations.
*Registration for the Conference (Zoom webinar)
After receiving the mail from the LINC Biz system, you need to register for the LINC Biz account.
※ For Inquiry to MIMS office by e-mail: icmma[at]meiji.ac.jp (replace [at] with @)
'Zoom Client for Meetings app' download site
Registration of LINC Biz account
Poster Session Guidelines
For poster presenters
Please click the "Submission" button and fill in the requested items on the submission form below.
Due to the online system, the registration for the conference and the submission of the poster presentation are independent.
Therefore, please also click the "Registration" button in the above to attend the conference.
※ Application for poster presentation
Till 25th (Fri.) of November, 2022, 17:00 JST
Presentation Title and Time (JST)
Japan Standard Time (JST) is 9 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Date:Mon. 28th – Wed. 30th November 2022
Venue: On-line via Zoom webinar
November 28 | |
9:00 - 9:10 | Opening |
9:10 - 10:00 | Shizuo Kaji (Kyushu University) |
10:10 - 11:00 | Kelin Xia (Nanyang Technological University) |
11:10 - 12:00 | Naoya Tanabe (Kyoto University) |
17:00 - 17:50 | Cristian Micheletti(SISSA) |
18:00 - 18:50 | Anibal M. Medina-Mardones (MPI Bonn) |
November 29 | |
9:00 - 9:50 | Javier Arsuaga(UC Davis) |
10:00 - 10:50 | Yasuaki Hiraoka (Kyoto University) |
11:00 - 11:50 | Tetsuo Deguchi (Ochanomizu University) |
17:00 -18:00 | Poster Session |
18:00 - 18:20 | Emerson G. Escolar (Kobe University) |
18:30 – 18:50 | Tomoki Uda (AIMR, Tohoku University) |
November 30 | |
9:00 - 9:50 | Jason Cantarella(University of Georgia) |
10:00 - 10:50 | Chris Soteros(University of Saskatchewan) |
11:00 - 12:00 | Discussion |
17:00 - 17:20 | Naoki Sakata(Ochanomizu University) |
17:30 - 17:50 | Ken’ichi Yoshida(Ochanomizu University) |
18:00 – 18:20 | Closing Ceremony |
Poster Session
Date:Tuesday 29th, November 2022
日時:2022年11月29日(火)17:00 -18:00
Poster Presentation List
Presenter | Title |
1. Liu Enhao (Kyoto University) | Curse of dimensionality in persistence diagrams |
2. JunJie Wee (Nanyang Technological University) | Mathematical AI for Molecular Sciences |
3. Yasuhiko Asao (Fukuoka University) | Introduction to Magnitude homology |
4. Xiang Liu (Nankai University) | Persistent Tor-algebra for protein-protein interaction analysis |
5. Rena Shiraishi (Meiji University) | The ultradian temperature cycle modulates circadian oscillations in the suprachiasmatic nucleus |
6. Tomoko Namie (Meiji University) | The relationship between sleep-wake rhythm and menstrual cycle in healthy women in their 20s |
7. Chenguang Xu (Kyoto University) | Interval approximations for fully commutative quivers |
8. Inasa Nakamura (Kanazawa University) | Transformations of partial matchings and their associated dotted graphs |
9. Jun Yoshida (RIKEN AIP) | Time-dependent persistent homology and logic on sheaves |
10. Masaki Ogawa (Saitama University) |
Decompositions of 3-manifolds with some handlebodies and their applications |
Best Poster Awards
(announced on November 30, 2022)
"Curse of dimensionality in persistence diagrams"
Liu Enhao (Kyoto University) |
"Mathematical AI for Molecular Sciences"
JunJie Wee (Nanyang Technological University) |
"Time-dependent persistent homology and logic on sheaves"
Jun Yoshida (RIKEN AIP) |
Poster Session Guidelines
In ICMMA2022, we use an online poster session system by LINC Biz, and we prepare the short talk session to introduce your presentation.
The link to the registration and the uploading site will be sent to you after the deadline of submission from the LINC Biz system.
The upload file must follow the instruction below
1. File formats must be PDF, JPEG, PNG, or MP4.
2. Up to 100MB per file can be uploaded
3. Up to 6 slides
To attend the poster session, please follow the instructions below.
Registration procedure
Organizing Committee
Program Committee
| Shizuo Kaji (IMI, Kyushu University) |
Toshitake Kohno (Meiji University) |
Koya Shimokawa (Ochanomizu University) |
Organizing Committee
Chair: | Toshitake Kohno (Meiji University) |
Members: |
Kazushi Ahara (Meiji University) |
Hiroshi Matano (Meiji University) |
Masashi Shiraishi (Meiji University) |
Masaaki Suzuki (Meiji University) |
- Please contact us for further information:
- icmma[at]meiji.ac.jp (replace [at] with @)