Message from the Chair of the Steering CMMA Committee


 CMMA was established in June 2013 under the Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Science (MIMS) in order to continue the activities of the Meiji University Global COE Program “Formation and Development of Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis”.

 The Global COE Program started in 2008 and was developed by MIMS, and completed its five-year activities in March 2013. The goal of this program was to establish an international-level education and research center on the new research area “Mathematical Modeling and Applications”. For the education, Mathematical Modeling , Analysis and Simulation Program started in 2011 in the Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences , and Department of Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis started in 2013 in the School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences. On the other hand, CMMA is the center for the research activities. These educational and research centers altogether are the main result of the Global COE Program.

 Mathematical Modeling and Applications is a discipline for understanding various phenomena in nature, life and intelligence, and human society through mathematical modeling and for applying them for better human life. We started with five ordinary seminar series on Self-organization, Mathematical Biology, Nonlinear Analysis, Origami Engineering and Computational Illusion. We will extend these activities to cover a wider range of research areas. We would be glad if you could kindly give us supports and collaborations.


 Kokichi Sugihara
  Chairperson of steering committee of
 CMMA Joint Usage / Research Center
 on June 2013~ October 2019